We do our best to make the booking process as simple and convenient as possible.
To book a transfer Letiště Express you can by following few ways:
1.To book a transfer online. We recommend using this method of booking. This is the most convenient, simple and reliable way of booking. Just fill in a simple form on our website and during an hour you will receive a message (WhatsApp/Viber/Email/SMS) with the booking confirmation. This is the fastest way to book as you don’t have to figure out what data is needed for booking. Just choose the direction and enter the information required. Do not worry if you do not have a Czech mobile phone number, just enter your phone number (completely, with a country code). The priority of booking process is given to orders that were sent via the ONLINE form
2.To book a transfer by phone +420775159053 (WhatsApp/Viber). If you have any difficulties to complete an online booking form, you can send your request (please all the necessary information in one message) to our phone number:
WhatsApp: +420775159053
Viber: +420775159053
Messenger: +420775159053
Skype: Letiste Express
or call us. Please prepare all necessary information (your name and surname ,flight number, arrival time, etc.). During an hour you will receive a message (WhatsApp/Viber/SMS) with the booking confirmation.
3.To book a transfer by email [email protected] Please indicate all the necessary information (your name and surname, contact phone number, date, flight number, the aircraft arrival time (if you need to go to the airport, indicate the pickup time from the address), address and additional information (number of passengers, age of children (Till 7 years. So that we can provide a suitable child seat), luggage etc.). During an hour you will receive a message (WhatsApp/Viber/Email/SMS) with the booking confirmation.